On 9 December the event will be held as a digital conference, after the focus meeting in March could not take place.
Nano Meets Medicine
The possible applications of nanotechnology in therapy and molecular diagnostics are manifold and range from tumour therapy, infection diagnostics and imaging with magnetic nanoparticles to immune modulation.
At the virtual focus meeting Nano Meets Medicine, experts provide information on current topics in nanotechnology related to medicine. The event provides an opportunity for dialogue between experts from different disciplines and for finding joint development opportunities.
The Nano Meets Medicine webinar is a cooperation between the Institute for Medical Technology at the University of Lübeck, NINa SH e.V. and Life Science Nord e.V. Prof. Dr. Thorsten M. Buzug, Director of the Institute for Medical Technology at the University of Lübeck, will lead through the programme. The presentations are each 25 minutes long. Subsequently the participants have the opportunity to ask questions.
Date: 9 December 2020, Time: 2 pm
14:00 CET
Prof. Dr. Thorsten M. Buzug,
Director of the Institute of Medical Engineering, IMT Lübeck
Prof. Dr. Franz Faupel,
Chair of Multicomponent Materials, Kiel University
Chairman of North German Initiative Nanotechnology
14:05 CET
Magnetic nanoparticles in diagnostics and therapy
Prof. Dr. Thorsten M. Buzug,
Director of the Institute of Medical Engineering, IMT Lübeck
14:35 CET
Fluorescent and magnetic nanoparticles for diagnosis and therapy
Prof. Dr. Horst Weller,
University Hamburg / Fraunhofer IAP
15:05 CET
Nanoparticles in Cardiovascular Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Ensminger,
Director Clinic for Cardiac and Thoracic Vascular Surgery, UKSH
15:35 CET
See more get more! Nanoparticles for diagnostic imaging: from lab to market
Dr. Nicole Gehrke,
Product Manager and Consulting Particulates,
nanoPET Pharma GmbH
16:05 CET
New data, new insights: new routes for in-vivo tracking
Marc Jopek, CEO Axiom insights GmbH
16:35 CET
Wrap-Up and Closing
Dr. Christian Ohrt, NINa SH
Telefon: 0431 880-6245
E-Mail: ohrt@nina-sh.de
Digital Conferencing