NINa-Newsletter no. 24

Innovation and technology in focus: The role of nanotechnology in Schleswig-Holstein, NINa on its own behalf: North European Initiative Nanotechnology e.V., Flexible functional materials for innovative energy and medical solutions, DESY becomes a member of NINa, conformally: Sustainable functional coatings instead of Forever Chemicals

NINa-Newsletter no. 23

Innovation and technology in focus: The role of nanotechnology in Schleswig-Holstein, NINa on its own behalf: North European Initiative Nanotechnology e.V., Flexible functional materials for innovative energy and medical solutions, DESY becomes a member of NINa, conformally: Sustainable functional coatings instead of Forever Chemicals

7th NIBS-Conference – 6 to 9 October 2024, Tartu / Estonia.

The international conference series Nanotechnology and Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region – NIBS will enter its seventh edition from 6 to 9 October 2024. The conference will be hosted in at the Vspa Conference Center in Tartu, Estonia as a co-conference of the FM&NT conference.

“Dialog Nanotechnology” – Digitization in Nanotechnology – January 18, 2024

With the digital event series Dialog Nanotechnology – Trends and Perspectives, we want to discuss these and other current and relevant issues with industry and public authority representatives in order to develop a general and sustainable strategy for the effective and safe implementation of nanotechnologies. In two-hour workshops, the respective topics will be presented by […]

Invitation: “Fraunhofer at DESY: Focus on BioMed”, November 9, 2023

Fraunhofer, DESY and Campus partners EMBL & HEREON are planning to intensify their cooperation in several fields including research on life & health. We would like to cordially invite you to the hybrid workshop Fraunhofer@DESY Campus – Focus on BioMedon the 9th of November 2023, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm also, proudly supported by […]

North German Nano Network NINa celebrates 10th anniversary with science, industry and politics, 18.08.2023

Promoting research into nanotechnology, networking science and companies more closely, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in their ability to innovate – these are the goals of the North German Initiative Nanotechnology Schleswig-Holstein (NINa SH e.V.). The association celebrated its tenth anniversary on 18.08.2023 with numerous guests from science, business and politics at the “Haus […]

NINa-Newsletter no. 22

International cooperation – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Vishay Siliconix Itzehoe builds northern Germany’s most modern chip factory,
Energy Coast – Sustainability to follow,
NINa SH celebrates its tenth anniversary, review: the sixth NIBS conference in Sonderburg

10 years of NINa SH e.V. – Knowledge creates economy

The association “North German Initiative Nanotechnology Schleswig-Holstein” (NINa SH) celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. On this occasion, we cordially invite you to the anniversary celebration “10 years of NINa SH e.V. – Knowledge creates economy”, which will take place on 18.08.23 at the “Haus der Wirtschaft” in Kiel. Founding event 2013 It is not […]